Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Protect Your Computer From Hackers And Viruses

Five Quick Tips To Protect Your Computer From Hackers And Viruses

  1. Keep your firewall turned on all the time and do not allow or set too many exceptions in your firewall.
  2. Do not leave your computers turned on all the time if it is going to be connected to the WiFi or internet connection or other networks that are connected to the internet. If you want to leave your computer on all the time for some reason then disconnect it from all the networks.
  3. Do not open any attachments that you receive through emails if you are not expecting them.
  4. Avoid running any online computer scan programs because you don’t know whether they are scanning your computer for viruses and other problems or whether they are stealing your data including passwords and other sensitive information.
  5. Do not allow remote access to your computer unnecessarily to any third parties.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Five Quick Tips That Will Save You From Losing Thousands In Stock Trading

Five Quick Tips That Will Save You From Losing Thousands In Stock Trading

  1. Invest only what you can afford to lose.
  2.  Understand what you are buying. Stay away from things that you don’t know.
  3. Spend time keeping your knowledge up to date about the stocks that you own.
  4. Wait for “events” and take advantage of the “events” to buy new stocks as well as sell the ones that you own.
  5. Most importantly avoid getting emotional. When you are getting emotional with your trading activities your decision-making capabilities get hit with you ending up making wrong choices. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Attract Wealth According To The Secret

This based on one of the Bob Proctor’s videos on how you can attract wealth into your life:

  1. Choose the right thoughts.
  2. Create the idea in your mind of having anything you want in this universe.
  3. Break the small image that you hold of yourself that your thoughts could not possibly affect the entire universe and the universe could adjust itself to give shape to our thoughts.
  4. See greater wealth coming into your life – originate pictures in your mind of money coming to you in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.
  5. Believe abundance is your birth right, get in harmony with it through your thinking. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Make Others Feel Special

Ability to make others feel special is an art and a gift for some it comes naturally but for others not so easily. You could try these tips, improve upon them come up or come up with whole new ones.

  1. Remember people’s name and greet them by name, use their name generously during the conversation.
  2. Remember people’s birthdays, anniversaries and other special days. Send them a greeting through SMS or call them.
  3. When people talk listen to them with genuine interest and let your eyes sparkle.
  4. Compliment people generously but stay away from flattery.
  5. Put a good word about them while talking to others (let it be genuine) and it will certainly get to them in due course. Remember to adhere to the policy if you don’t have anything good to talk about the others in their absence then best don’t talk at all. 

Five Quick Tips To Control Anger

One of the things that most of us regret about ourselves is our uncontrollable anger. Remember, anger is not always bad and getting angry does not necessarily a bad person. Anger if channeled correctly could be productive and even laudable, if it were not for anger the world today would not have those many revolutions during different epochs, numerous legends that inspire use and countless leaders that lived before us and are sharing the space with us on this planet now. What we are targeting here is unproductive anger that hurt others and ourselves in the process. Here are few useful tips that will probably help you control your anger and act responsibly.
  1. Review your own anger patterns, self analysis is in place here  – when do you get angry, what makes you angry, what do you do when you get angry, how long your anger spells last, how do you feel after the spell of anger, has it to do with any physical conditions that you may be having such as hypertension? This is a very good starting point to control anger.
  2. Continuing from the above point, avoid situations and occasions that trigger anger in you if it is practically possible. However, do not try to run away from reality, face it and master it. Avoiding situations that make you angry will only be a temporary measure and it just means that you have still not gained control your emotions.
  3. Seek recourse to humor. Yes, there cannot be a better way to deal with anger than making use of a good quip.
  4. Make use of a short mantra or a centering word whenever you get angry – it could be religious or non-religious or even gibberish it does not matter; it is just to create a switch for you to change the mode and the idea here is to avoid the anger build up by distracting your mind.
  5. Buy some time to before you reacted to see whether you are rational in your anger. Even short delays that are as short as 30 to 60 seconds will go a long way in minimizing the damage caused to self and others.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Increase Your Daily Blog Traffic

Five Quick Tips To Increase Your Daily Blog Traffic
  1. Create resourceful posts, topics that are faithful to your blog’s interests.
  2. Share your blog posts in as many social media sites as possible including but not limited to Facebook timeline, Twitter,, Google+, Digg, Delicious, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, etc.
  3. Keep the flow of posts regular.
  4. Identify the interests of your audience by assessing the traffic flow to each post after you share them in your social media sites using the blog admin. Based on your assessment create topics that meet your audiences needs while at the same time doing justice to your blog theme.
  5. Learn to time your post and social media shares. This will certainly involve a bit of trial and error, but be patient and it will work, if you pay attention to the traffic and interest pattern that unfolds over a period of time.

Five Quick Tips To Influence Others And To Get Things Done Faster

Influencing others is a survival-art, which is essential at all levels from winning strangers to let you jump the queue without a brawl to achieving your life’s goals. Though I have listed them under “Quick Tips” the results are not achieved without integrity and efforts.

  1. Establish trust, yes the one thing that you cannot expect to achieve when you don’t come across as a trustworthy person is to make the other person listen to you, forget about influencing him or her. Though said in two words, establishing trust is a long and complex process but sometimes it is as simple as a genuine sparkling smile. You will need to access the situation and choose the path required to establish trust.
  2. Take an empathetic approach as opposed to manipulative approach. In both cases, one knows what makes the other person tick but the difference is in the way the knowledge is employed to achieve the results.
  3. Give compelling (but genuine, not just sound genuine but actually genuine) reasons fitting them into the bigger picture.
  4. Establish common ground and make the other person see that you are into creating “win-win” situation and not into exploiting or into taking advantage. Naturally, we (human beings) are designed to defend our self-interests (self-interests is another huge area to be covered, which the scope of this post does not cover), if you don’t work on clearing the air here, you are not going to get anywhere.
  5. Most importantly, be honest.

Five Quick Tips To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

  1. Do not be stubborn holding on to your toothbrush for as long as you could. Change your toothbrush every 45 days.
  2. Gargle your mouth with the solution made of apple cider vinegar and water in the ratio of 1:2 for five minutes every 15 days.
  3. Consume raw carrots regularly and it will prevent plaque formation.
  4. Make sure to gargle your mouth after you consume citrus fruits or citrus fruit juice as you could be damaging the surface of your teeth by leaving citrus juice to linger on your teeth.
  5. Avoid consuming coke, pepsi and other caffeinated drinks too frequently and even if you take them gargle immediately minimize the damage caused to your teeth.

Five Quick Tips That Will Make Men Look Younger Than They Are

  1. Go for regular haircuts, long and unkempt hair makes you look older than you are.
  2. Shave daily, beard makes you look older.
  3. When you are drying your face with the towel use upward or sideward movements because downward movements will make your skin sag faster, already gravity is taking its toll on your skin.
  4. Sport an enthusiastic look, be enthusiastic about everything that you do.
  5. Smile a lot!

Five Quick Tips To Fall Asleep Faster At Night

Tips to sleep fast at night
Image sourced online

  1. Set a specific time to go to bed and be faithful to that time. Going to bed at the same time everyday will send strong signals to your brain that it is time to rest and after sometime you will not be able to resist but fall asleep when it is time for you to go to bed. In the initial days try to be religiously disciplined in sticking to your bed time.
  2. Read something light and interesting. Avoid reading newspaper or anything that has to do with violence, death and other negativities.
  3. Play soothing music in low volume but do not use earphones or headphones
  4. Stop watching TV at least 30 minutes before going to bed if you have problems falling asleep. However, you should also know that there are people that go to sleep watching TV without any problem.
  5. Take a warm glass of milk and the lactic acid in the milk will help you fall asleep fast.

5 Quick Tips To Increase Your Typing Speed

  1. Install a typing tutor and spend fifteen minutes learning touch-typing. Remember there is no shortcut to practice and you cannot possibly bypass the learning curve.
  2. Do not look at the keyboard while typing.
  3. If you make use of Microsoft word or other word processing software create shortcuts for the words that you use frequently using the auto correct option so that you do not have to type lengthy words fully but use the shortened forms. This will work only if you are going to stick to the same laptop or same desktop. Over a period of time, you will be able to build a long list of such shortened words, which will speed up your overall typing efficiency.
  4. Most people type certain words wrongly due to wrongly learnt typing pattern and go back and forth correcting them. Make use of auto correct option here again to correct the habitual mistakes that you make while typing.
  5. If you happen to make mistakes do not stop to correct them each time you make a mistake, let it wait until you complete the entire document or mail. Finally run spell check tool and proof read further. This will make you even more efficient because in the process of correcting the mistakes then and there most people just hold the backspace button till they reach the mistake deleting even the correctly typed words rather than just clicking at the wrongly typed word. This will slow you down terribly.  

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Stop Procrastination (Dragging Your Feed) At Work And Personal Life

Five Quick Tips To Stop Procrastination (Dragging Your Feet) At Work And Personal Life

Image sourced online

  1. List the things that you are procrastinating. Each time you think that you will do something  in the afternoon, evening,tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, put it down to your list. Do not procrastinate making this list! Start making this list as soon as you finish reading this post or else you will never do it. We are talking about things that depend only on you because there are certain tasks that involve other stakeholders such as approvals from superiors, money, etc. For such tasks whatever needs to be done at your end should be covered so that when everything else is in place you know that you are not the one that is holding back.
  2. Estimate the time required for each task in your list. Be sure to be realistic with your time estimation.
  3. Prioritize those tasks in terms of importance, deadline and estimated time.
  4. Identify the reasons for not doing it immediately including the fear of the outcome. Check whether you have a valid reason for not doing it immediately. In most cases, when you take time to go through this exercise and find out that you really don’t have a reason to postpone it you are likely to implement it immediately.  
  5. Set a deadline for each task in your procrastination list and for every new task that you need to accomplish at work and in your personal life. Again, in most cases tasks never get accomplished because you do not set a deadline for the task to be completed. Open ended tasks never get completed.

Five Quick Tips To Stay Disciplined With Your Saving Habits

We cannot emphasize here the importance of saving when you still have the earning potential. Most people have trouble saving money for they do not have any control have there spending pattern. Here are some tips that will bring in a disciplined approach to saving.

  1. Do not have more than one credit card and do not ask your credit limit to be increased frequently.
  2. If required force yourself to signup for a monthly investment scheme such as Systematic Investment Plan or Recurring Deposit.
  3. Make sure to set a budget for entertainment and personal shopping needs so that you know your limit when you need to stop otherwise your reckless spending pattern could eat into your savings as well month after month.
  4. Decide to save at least 10% of your monthly earnings and increase it by two percent every month until your total savings per month reaches a total of 20% of your total income.
  5. Signup for ECS if your saving scheme should have such facilities so that you are not blaming it on your forgetfulness or lack of time.

Five Quick Tips To Enjoy Life

  1. Set aside time for entertainment so that you don’t feel guilty that you are wasting your time. Often we feel that we are wasting time when we have good time, we think that we should rather be working and not enjoying. So better a lot time for your entertainment activities.
  2. Take entertainment and relaxation seriously as much as you do with your work. It is equally important to lead a healthy life, lest you will soon feel burnt out and become under productivity.
  3. Do not think that money is a huge constraint for you to enjoy life, there are many simple things in life that could entertain you. Learn to pay attention to simple beauties and gifts of life.
  4. Make sure that you are doing something together with your family at least once in a week.
  5. Do not allow TV to take up your family time.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Achieve Your Life Goals

Image sourced online.
Set realistic and SMART goals. (Google to see what SMART goal setting is all about).
  1. Do not set too many goals at the same time for you need focus and energy to make your dreams come true. Too many goals at the same time will only make you a distracted cat.
  2. Break down your goals into smaller achievable parts and work on them systematically.
  3. Before you embark on the task of achieving your goal/s take time to decide whether it is worthwhile pursuing a particular goal , lest you will lose interest along the way if the results that you are likely to obtain is not interesting, it is your life that you will be investing on achieving your goals and you don’t want to squander it.
  4. Once you are clear that it is a worthwhile then set your eyes on the results for you need motivation when you are faced with hurdles and once you lose sight of the results and the benefits your motivation too will disappear.

Five Quick Tips To Identify And Install Safe Android Apps In Your Mobile Phone

Five Quick Tips To Identify And Install Safe Android Apps In Your Mobile Phone

There are thousands of Android apps which is one of the major facts that make many people opt for Android phones. Hackers try to take advantage of the people’s craze and try to steal valuable information such as your credit card details and other sensitive information through your tab or mobile phone. Therefore you need to be mindful that not all Android apps are equally safe. These tips will help you minimize the risks while installing fancy Android apps in your mobile phone.
  1. Always search for your apps in GooglePlay and avoid installing your apps from other sources.
  2. Look at the number of downloads, higher downloads indicate that so many people have at least tried the app. These downloads could also be remunerated because companies to promote their app will try to create misleading image about their app by paying people to download the apps. However, this still could prove to be a very good safety indicator despite the above mentioned drawback.
  3. Take time to read the reviews posted by the users for the respective app.
  4. Pay attention to the permissions required by the app and look for suspicious line items in the list.
  5. It is also not a bad idea to check with your friends whether they have used a particular app that you are trying to install and whether they have face any safety or security issues.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Make Life Interesting And Fight Ennui

Time and again ennui strikes us badly and no one is spared. Ennui brings about as many outcomes as there are people. If not handled correctly and responded to in a timely fashion it will start feasting on your life like the termite on the locked house and only to find hollow door and window frames and shamefully infested walls when you let yourself in making your own house uninhabitable. Here are some tips to nip ennui in the bud.

Image sourced online

  1. List things that you have been longing to do all your life but hesitating to do giving yourself and others the reasons why you weren’t acting on them. 
  2. Identify the ones that you could act upon immediately and the ones that you could in due course.
  3. Act on the ones that you could do right away and but not done before, enjoy doing something for the first time in your life.
  4. Analyze your own daily chores and the routine, see how you can do the same things differently for you cannot evade most of these responsibilities but you surely do have the luxury of handling them differently.
  5. I do have a doubt here, your frequent spells of ennui could be because all your attention is on yourself…try giving yourself less attention focusing on your wife or husband, kids, people and things around you to see whether it helps.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Enjoy The Present Moment And Not Feel Miserable About The Past Or The Future

Life is nothing but a continuum of countless present moments, which move to make the past. By learning to tap the potential of the present, by learning to create happy moments for yourself in the present will help you guarantee yourself a happy past.

  1. Focus on your breathing. Every time you catch yourself distracted with grudges of the past or worries about future start paying attention to your breath…which is one of the most powerful centering elements. Use it wisely!
  2. Learn to appreciate the simple things of life. Enjoy the breeze, bright sunshine, innocent smile of the baby that you see in the grocery store.
  3. Pay attention to details…not to find fault but to elevate your level of awareness of the present.
  4. Put in your best efforts possible in whatever you are doing at the moment however trivial it may be because the best things are made out of the present but not of the past or of the future. So make the best out of it when you are still in hold of it.
  5. Be thankful for the present because that is what it is: PRESENT

Five Quick Tips To Save Thousands While Buying Your New Car

  1. Buying your car close to the end of the model year will get you huge savings as the dealer will be keen on clearing their inventory and that is when huge cash incentives and bonuses are given.
  2. Similarly, buy your cars towards the end of the month as the dealer will be keen on meeting their targets and it will prove to be very fruitful to you in terms of savings.
  3. When you are going for a car loan do not opt for the maximum tenure, keep it to a maximum of three years and you will be surprised with the huge difference in the total amount of money that you will be paying.
  4.  Do not go for extended service warranty if you are not a new driver or if this is your second or third car because you are likely to be a more cautious driver by this time. However you need to also check the extra money you are required to pay for the extended warranty and if it is irresistibly low then it is worth going for it. If it is a sizeable amount then it is worth taking your risks. When you are going for your extended warranty remember to check the fine print.
  5. If you want to install additional accessories avoid buying them from the dealer as it will be usually priced more when compared to the actual market price.

Five Quick Tips From Protecting Yourself From Infections Caused By Ear-bud Type Earphones

Five Quick Tips From Protecting Yourself From Infections Caused By Ear-bud Type Earphones

  1. Are you frequently sharing ear phones or ear buds with family members and friends? Better not because the ear plugs or ear buds could be carrying a lot of bacteria and other elements that cause infection.
  2. Do not let your pets like cats, dogs or tamed birds play with your ear phones.
  3. Regularly clean your earphones with isopropyl alcohol or after shaves. Just make sure that you are not allergic to these if you have a sensitive skin.
  4. You can also make use of other disinfectants including hand-wash solutions to clean your ear buds.
  5. Before plugging in the ear bud into your year take a moment to see whether it is clean and whether there are any tiny but visible foreign objects sticking to it.

Five Quick Tips To Prevent Locking Yourself Out Of Your House Frequently

You don’t want to break your locks and end with expensive replacements when you lock yourself out of your house. Here are some useful tips that will help you prevent locking yourself out of the house.

  1. Make an extra set of keys and give it to your trusted friend.
  2. Put a rubber band across the door handles so that the door does not automatically close and lock automatically when you quickly dash out to get your newspaper or to dump the kitchen waste.
  3. Buy a fancy chain and use the key as a pendant, wear it around your neck tucking in the key so that it is not visible.
  4. Hide a key in your garage and use a biometric lock for your garage.
  5. When you are stashing away your spare key make sure to put it in a bunch of blank keys and stash them in a place that you think is safe so that even if the intruders should find the keys, they have trouble spotting quickly your door keys. 

Five Quick Tips To Deal With Android Phone Over Heating Problem

  1. Do not leave your phone lying around in your car or near other electronic equipment.
  2. Try reducing your gaming activity to see whether it helps.
  3. Try to reduce your browsing activity to check whether it causes the problem. The idea here is to isolate the cause of overheating.
  4. Check whether the phone pouches that you are using causing heat build up.
  5. Try to remove the battery and install it again.

Five Quick Tips To Make Your Smartphone Battery To Last Long

  1. Ensure that you have the latest version of the operating system installed in your phone and make regular updates to the operating system.
  2. Switch off your Bluetooth and wifi network connections.
  3. Reduce the brightness of the display.
  4. Do not leave your phone in direct sunlight or in warm places.
  5. Turn down the volume in your phone.

Five Quick Tips To Make Your iPad Battery Last Long

  1. Turn off the wifi when not in use.
  2. Turn off the push notifications.
  3. Turn off the location services
  4. Turn on auto brightness
  5. Close all open apps except the ones that you are currently using.

Five Quick Tips To Get The Maximum Out Of Walking

Walking is one of the most powerful fitness practices when compared to jogging people that use walking as their fitness activity tend to be more faithful to their practice. Here are five quick tips to get the most out of walking.

  1. Do not push yourself to walk too fast, at least during the initial days. Choose a comfortable pace and stick to it at least for a week.
  2. Try to increase the walking duration gradually, just by a maximum of five minutes per day.
  3. If you have to choose between plain or flat routes and hilly terrain opt for hilly routes.
  4. Make walking a habit, choose a specific time of the day and stick to it.
  5. Rather than 60 minute walk once in three days choose twenty minute walks daily if you have time constraints.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Find Out Whether Your Mobile Phone Is SAR Safe

Five Quick Tips To Find Out Whether Your Mobile Phone Is SAR Safe
SAR or specific absorption rate refers to the amount of radio magnetic frequency absorbed by your body from your mobile phone. There is enough evidence to safely conclude that there are possible dangers in the excessive use of cell phones and mobile phones could cause certain types of cancer due to SAR radiation. Here are some tips to find out whether your mobile phone is SAR Safe.
  1. Does your phone come with SAR Tick? Read around to learn what SAR Tick is and it is time to educate yourself:
  2. Check the SAR value in the mobile phone websites for example you can run a search for your Samsung phones at:
  3. Take time to read the small booklet that comes with your mobile phone which we often toss it off and look for the section of the “Certification Information”.
  4. As per FCC guidelines the safe SAR level is 1.6 W/kg (over 1 g).
  5. As per  International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) up to 2.0 W/kg (over 10 g) is safe. Ideally the lower the SAR level the better it is for you.

The next time you are purchasing your mobile phone check the SAR level along with the other mobile phone features and make it part of your short listing criteria. 

Five Quick Tips To Protect Yourself From Harmful Radio Frequency Radiation Of Your Mobile Phone

Five Quick Tips To Protect Yourself From Harmful Radio Frequency Radiation Of Your Mobile Phone

World Health Organization (WHO) lists mobile phones under the list of things that induce cancer. Here are some tips on how to guard yourself against the exposure to mobile phone radio frequency radiation or SAR exposure (Specific Absorption Rate). There are ongoing debates on this topic but you cannot afford to take risks awaiting the results of the research and taking protective measures will never hurt.
  1. As much as possible try to make use of a headset while using your phone.
  2. Whenever possible make use of speaker rather than holding the phone against your years.
  3. If the above two are not possible at least try to hold your phone slightly away from your body.
  4. Whenever possible text rather than talking.
  5. Weak signals increases the SAR level so always find spots with strong signal level.

Most important additional note: Your cell phone is not a toy do not give it to your children as it could harm them, children under 7 are found to be more vulnerable to the risks when compared to adults and you would not want to make any mistakes here.

Five Quick Tips To Make Rain Water Drinkable

The presumption here is that you already have a mechanism to collect or harvest rain water.

  1. If you do not already have a rain water harvesting mechanism, to start with you can start collecting rain water in tubs or large bowls. However you will only be able to collect only a meager amount of water this way.
  2. Do not make use of the water from the first rain of the season as it will come down with all the pollutants in the atmosphere. Similarly flush off the rain water after the first rain from your rain water harvesting system as it will be coming down with dust and the toxic accumulation from your roofing.
  3. After the rain let the water settle for a day so that all the suspended impurities will settle down and siphon the water from top and not from the bottom.
  4. Filter the rainwater using fine filter something close to coffee filter.
  5. Boil filtered rain water and leave it boiling for twenty minutes before you transfer them to sterilized bottles for use.

Five Quick Tips To Remove Scratch From The Mirrors

  1. Apply transparent or clear nail enamels to fix the scratches.
  2. If the scratch is too deep use toothpaste to fill the scratch. The tooth paste that you use should obviously be white tooth paste. Do not use gel type tooth pastes.
  3. Seal the toothpaste after removing the excess with clear nail polish and allow it to dry. If the scratch is still visible apply another quote of clear nail enamel to see whether it brings about any improvement.
  4. You can also try transparent epoxy glue that is used to stick glasses. Use only a limited amount on the scratch because if you use the epoxy glue excessively it will form an ugly bump on the surface making the condition worse than before. After applying the epoxy glue allow it to dry and use the painter’s scrapping blade to remove the excess over the surface. Shine the surface with a soft cloth.
  5. If you have access to Cerium oxide make a paste out of it using few drops of water. Apply it on the scratch, remove the excess and shine the surface.

Five Quick Tips To Take Care Of Cactus Plants

  1. Put your cactus plants in a place where they will get maximum sun. Remember your cactus plants are not indoor plants.
  2. Water your cactus plants only when the soil or the potting mix is close to dry. Stick your finger up to one inch and see whether the potting mix is moist underneath the surface even though the upper layer looks dry.
  3. Do not add unnecessary fertilizers, your cactus plant is meant to survive extreme arid conditions and limited nutrients unlike the other plants.
  4. Regularly check for signs of rotting where the plant touches the potting mix or the ground. If you see signs of rotting remove the plant from the soil and slice the rotten part with a sharp cutting tool, leave the cut to heal for a few days before you repot. If you notice the rot at an early stage then there are still chances of salvaging the plant.
  5. When you are planning to go for your vacation prepare the plant well in advance. You should bring it to a state where you can water the plant before leaving. After watering put the plant in semi-shady area if you are planning to be away for a month. If your cactus plants are planted on the ground and not in a pot then you do not have to worry about moving them to a shady area, you can just water it as usual and happily leave for your vacation. 

Five Quick Tips To Propagate Cycas Sago Palm

  1. The best way to propagate cycas or sago palm is through pups. You will find them sticking to the trunk and some of them will at the bottom of the trunk and root by themselves. Collect the ones that are stuck to the trunk. Removing it should not be tough.
  2. If there are any new leaves with the pups cut them. Put them in the potting mix and water them. Before putting them into the potting mix, you can also dip the pup in rooting mix.
  3. Leave the pot in semi shade as direct sunlight could kill the offshoots if it is very fierce.
  4. Water the pups once in a week.
  5. Learn to be patient because it will take several months for the pups to root.

Five Quick Tips To Breed Arowana

  1. If you are serious about breeding arowana then go set up an outdoor pond because breeding them is almost impossible.
  2. Just because you have a male and female does not mean that they will automatically breed. You will need compatible pairs, it is therefore advised that you put ten or more mature arowanas that are at least three years old in your pond and look for pairs that show interest on each other.
  3. Maintain water pH between 6.8 and 7.5.
  4. Maintain water temperature between 27 and 32 °C.
  5. Be patient courtship could run for weeks and in some cases for months. Do not disturb them out of impatience.

Five Quick Tips To Find Out That Someone Is Lying To You

  1. Is the other person repeating the last few words and phrases that he or she has spoken? This could be a sign that the other person is telling a lie. This is done because they are desperately trying to convince you and think that repeating what they said multiple times will help in achieving the expected result of convincing you.
  2. Does the other person quickly reach to his or her throat with their dominant hand?
  3. Is the other person becoming fidgety? Do they remove their glasses and put it back, suddenly start playing with their pen? Flip pages in a book without really paying attention to it?
  4. Diametrically opposite behavior that is unlikely of that person could be a sign that they are lying. For example someone that is normally focused is distracted or someone that is normally anxious is unusually composed are all signs that they are trying to lie to you.
  5. Is the other person giving too many details that are really not necessary?
Remember these are only signals and this will certainly not make you an expert in lie detection so do not act like one after reading this...

Five Quick Tips To Get A Free Upgrade To First Class In Flights

  1. Check whether your seat belts are broken. Yes, that is right check for broken seat belt or for other issues with your seat and this could win you a free upgrade to first class.
  2. Reports indicate that early check-in and arriving late for check-in increases the chances of getting an upgrade. Why? If you want an upgrade it is worth spending time finding out why.
  3. Flying on your birthday could win a free upgrade. Unfortunately this happens only once a year.
  4. In case the flight is overbooked make it easy for the staff to switch you to the next flight and they will notice it and would even reward you for your good behavior.
  5. If you happen to sit next to a baby that is wailing its lungs out then don’t curse your day, it could be your lucky day and request your flight attendant to move you and you could be moving into the first class, who knows.

Five Quick Tips To Find The Cheapest Flights

  1. Flight fares keep fluctuating and the rates fall drastically especially in the last minute when the planes are not filled. There is a bit of a gamble but if you do not have a killing need to be in some place on a particular day and time then you could as well consider gambling.
  2. Do not go for flights without stops unless there should be some very special reasons to do so. If you are ready to break your journey then you can expect some good savings.
  3. Do not be misled by the myth that all fares are always high during the weekends. It is not always the case. You need to check the rates for your route because for holiday destinations, the rates will be high during weekends and for business hubs, the rates will be high during the weekdays. Guesswork is not good here.
  4. Look for flights that leave or reach in the odd hours. They are usually cheaper.
  5. Book your tickets at least six weeks in advance as and when early planning is possible. 

Five Quick Tips To Increase Your Bike’s Mileage

  1. You know this already, keep your speed constant.
  2. Commute when the traffic level is low. Sometimes adjusting your start time ten minutes this side or that side will make a world of difference when it comes to saving yourself from peak traffics and thereby your bike’s mileage.
  3. Get your bike to regular servicing and well maintained engine will yield better mileage.
  4. Switch off your engine when you are waiting in the signals.
  5. Lose weight, it is good for your health and also for your bike’s fuel economy. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Five Quick Tips To Find Whether Calcium Carbide Has Been Used To Ripen Mangoes

Calcium carbide has cancer causing agents or carcinogens. It is harmful to health. Here are some tips for you to find whether the mangoes have been chemically ripened.
  1. Lack of uniform color with green and yellow patches is one good sign that your mangoes have been ripened using calcium carbide. In naturally ripened mangoes, the green and yellow shades will blend in beautifully.
  2. Lack of sweet aroma. Mango when it is ripened naturally will emit a sweet aroma.
  3. Has a beautiful coloration but does not taste sweet. You will be able to find this out only when you taste the fruit before buying. Avoid buying your mangoes in super markets. They always make use of chemically induced ripening techniques.
  4. Does your mango look fully ripe? Put it in a vessel of water to check whether it is floating or sinking in the water. Naturally ripened and mature fruit will sink into the water when it is fully ripe.
  5. If you develop some irritation in your tongue when you eat the mango then it is a clear sign that it is chemically ripened.

Five Quick Tips To Lose Weight

  1. Add one tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink this daily.
  2. Identify negative calorie food and make them part of your diet. You can find this information by making a quick online search.
  3. Do not let your work hold you up from having timely meals. If you postpone your meals for a long time, the hunger pang will make you devour more than what you normally consume.
  4. Avoid using fad diets, chemically induced weight loss and other weight loss pills. Once you stop them your weight will shoot up again.
  5. Moderation is better than complete abstinence. Rather than completely avoiding what you like have them in smaller quantities.

Five Quick Tips To Speed Up Your Computer

  1. Keep your desktop clean do not store too many files. Keep only the shortcuts on the desktop and put the actual files in a different location.
  2. Defragment your drives at least once in a month.
  3. Clean up the disk at least once in a week using the Disk Clean up tool.
  4. Do not install too many fonts in your computer.
  5. Keep the .pst files or your mail box size small in your outlook. If you have a large mail box file or pst file try to split it into multiple, smaller files.

Five Quick Tips To Select Your Girl Friend

  1. Are you interested in finding someone for a casual relationship or someone to go steady with, with the intention taking the relationship to marriage? Decide this first.
  2. If you are looking for someone that you could eventually get married to then good looks alone may not be the best factor to make your decision. You will need time to understand the person’s attitude, wavelength, values and general disposition to life so that they align with yours.
  3. Take a minimum of two years before you take your relationship to the next level so that you would have the time to assess whether “She is the one.” It is best to take time now than to regret later.
  4. Keep track of the issues that crop up during this process and see whether they are practically workable or unworkable.
  5. Remember relationship is a two way lane, it is not enough that just you like the other person but the other person should also find in you a good match. So respect her views and her decision.

Five Quick Tips To Select Your SEO Company

1.      As far as SEO is concerned, always work only with well-established companies and avoid freelancers.
2.      Identify companies that offer guaranteed ranking services or companies that offer money back guarantee otherwise, YOU have no guarantee that your money is safe. Do not be lured with the great promises made by your SEO service provider. Promises are good only when they are fulfilled.
3.      Ask for the latest references and analyze the competition level for the keywords targeted.
4.      Check whether they have experience ranking websites in your niche industry.

5.      Always review the quote and have all your questions answered satisfactorily before signing up.

Five Quick Tips To Select Your Web Design Company

  1. Decide first whether you are going to look for a local service provider or an offshore company, a freelancer or a web design firm. Remember to weigh the pros and cons of all the options available to you.
  2. Review the portfolio or samples of the work done by your service provider.
  3. Ask for industry specific samples from the work done by your service provider so that they know how to deal with your niche industry.
  4. Ask for at least two references and do not go just by the testimonials posted because they are sponsored reviews and testimonials in most cases.
  5. Get quotes from at least three to four companies or service providers. When you are comparing the prices do not blindly go with the cost. Check what you will actually getting for the fee paid.

Five Quick Tips To Enjoy A Satisfactory Work Day

Image sourced online

  1. Be realistic in setting your deadlines.
  2. Set aside the tasks that you are supposed to be handling each day and create this things to do list the previous day itself so that you know what is in store the next day and you are mentally prepared too.
  3. When you are making your to do list a lot a certain amount of time for other distractions such as quick help requests from your colleagues, which you cannot possibly deny without hurting the relationship so that you will still be able to accomplish what you want to complete for the day.
  4. Have positive distractions for yourself such as reading a joke or listening to your favorite song which will not take more than two to four minutes and such breaks once in two hours will certainly increase your overall productivity. You need to be self-disciplined too here to get back to work after that short positive distraction.
  5. Have the habit of revisiting your checklist for the day and tick off the things that you have completed and it will help you see how much you have done for the day. If you are not happy with what you have accomplished for the day, analyze what needs to be improved and this cycle will lead to continual improvement until you achieve your target.

Five Quick Tips To Improve Your English

  1. The only way you can improve your language skills is by speaking that language. Do not wait to get everything 100% correct before you start speaking. Start with your limited knowledge and perfect it as you go along.
  2. Buy a good dictionary and make sure that it is an English to English dictionary and not your vernacular to English dictionary.
  3. Learn at least two new verbs per day.
  4. Watch BBC or CNN news channels.
  5. Enjoy Walt Disney’s cartoons.

Five Quick Tips To Keep Your Office Table Clean

  1. Use the first five minutes of your day at your at your work sorting your table.
  2. Keep a box next to your desk somewhere discreet to toss things that you are not sure whether you will need it in future so that it is not cluttering your table and even if you need it in the future you will know where to dig.
  3. Buy space efficient organizers for your table such as good pen stands, card holders so that your precious table space is used effectively.
  4. Always have a folder to file your bills and do not just shove them in your drawer.
  5. Develop the habit of keeping things back in their place, which also means that you set aside a special space for everything. This will also help you save time as it will reduce the amount of time that you spend searching for things.

Five Quick Tips To Wake Up Early In The Morning

  1. Go to bed early and ensure that you are not waking up in the middle of the night to respond to SMS, Emails or Whatsapp messages.
  2. Your body needs certain number of hours of sleep to recover from the day’s work. So ensure that you get a minimum of five hours of sleep.
  3. Do not put your alarm just next to your bed. Keep it away from your bed which will force you to get out of bed if you want to snooze or switch it off.
  4. Drink a lot of water before going to bed that will force you to empty your bladder early in the morning.
  5. Make sure that you have a reason to wake up each morning.

Five Quick Tips To Fight Laziness And Get More Out Of Your Day

  1. Sometimes or the other all of us do go through these spells of laziness so do not fight it too hard, once in a while it is alright but just observe whether it is becoming the order of the day in your case.
  2. Create a daily timetable and rigidly follow your timetable.
  3. Avoid the temptation to procrastinate things.
  4. Keep the things that you don’t like for the first half of your day and do not wait until the end of the day so that you still have the energy to handle them.
  5. Make sure to take short breaks between every few hours.

Five Quick Tips To Be Happy In Life

1. Develop the mindset of contentment - be satisfied with what you have. This is not to call for lethargy or laziness in life but a mindset that rules out greediness.

2. Cherish the moment, live in the present. Living 5 pm at 9 am is what makes life miserable.

3. If you have to talk about others let it be something good otherwise it is best that you don't talk.

4. Spend at least one hour every day doing things that you like.

5. Create a daily timetable and follow it religiously.

Tips to Learn English - Self-Learning English Language Kits Vs Stay-in Schools

Self-Learning English Language Kits Vs Stay-in Schools The number of people who would like to learn English is constantly on the increas...