Monday, June 22, 2015

5 Quick Tips To Increase Your Typing Speed

  1. Install a typing tutor and spend fifteen minutes learning touch-typing. Remember there is no shortcut to practice and you cannot possibly bypass the learning curve.
  2. Do not look at the keyboard while typing.
  3. If you make use of Microsoft word or other word processing software create shortcuts for the words that you use frequently using the auto correct option so that you do not have to type lengthy words fully but use the shortened forms. This will work only if you are going to stick to the same laptop or same desktop. Over a period of time, you will be able to build a long list of such shortened words, which will speed up your overall typing efficiency.
  4. Most people type certain words wrongly due to wrongly learnt typing pattern and go back and forth correcting them. Make use of auto correct option here again to correct the habitual mistakes that you make while typing.
  5. If you happen to make mistakes do not stop to correct them each time you make a mistake, let it wait until you complete the entire document or mail. Finally run spell check tool and proof read further. This will make you even more efficient because in the process of correcting the mistakes then and there most people just hold the backspace button till they reach the mistake deleting even the correctly typed words rather than just clicking at the wrongly typed word. This will slow you down terribly.  

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